Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cookie Time!!!

There is nothing in this world that defines me more than cookies.  If you want to know how I am feeling then ask me what cookie I want to make. 
Happy = shortbread
Sad= Oatmeal Chocolate Chip
Angry= Almond Lace Cookie
Forgiving= Black Bean Brownies
Perplexed= Lemon Sugar Cookie
Sexy = Chocolate Crinkle
You see my vegan diet all started with cookies. After finding out my son had a dairy allergy I wanted to make him some cookies. I searched the internet and found literally thousands of chocolate chip cookie variations. I was overwhelmed and very confused . . . . . what is flax meal? Do I have to use soy milk? I hunted for a recipe that included items I had on hand and at last found a recipe. It did not look like a normal cookie recipe and  I was amazed that it tasted like a cookie . . . . and a good cookie at that! This hunt lead me to recipes and ingredients that peaked my interest like tofu, carob, and bron rice syrup. I went straight to the bookstore and bought Vegan Cookies Take Over Your Cookie Jar. Fron this dive into  vegan cookies I chose to change my life and become a balls-to-the-walls vegan.
My friend Lori told me once that she loved that my cookies have flavor. So many cookies are all butter and sugar but vegan cookies tend to be more delicate in flavor. I don’t want anyone confusing this thinking I mean they are healthy because all cookies are just sugar and carbs . I think vegan cookies have more integrity.  Oh yes . . . . . I went there . . . . 
Here are two of my favorite cookie recipes that really speak to who I am as a person

Lavender Coconut Crunchies

6 oz Earth Ballance buttery spread
1 cup dried coconut
1 cup flour
1 cup turbindo
2 cups oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp culinary lavender
1 tbl honey (no this is not vegan but we need bees so I support local bee keepers . .  .the haters can suck it!)

Preheat oven to 300 degrees (seems low but it works)
Mix dry ingreditents  -set aside
melt butter in sauce pan and add lavender, honey and baking soda. Whisk this until frothy
add to dry ingredient and mix thouroughly
press into  a cookie pan and bake 30 minutes
cut into squares while hot
allow to cool and serve

White Wine Cookies
5 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 flax egg
1 cup turbindo
1 cup white wine ( a sweet and fruity wine is perfect)
1/2 cup Earth Balance shortening

1/2 cup olive oil (it really works well with the fruity wine and almonds)
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup powdered sugar (for rolling)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Mix in all wet ingredients
Sift together all dry ingredients
mix together completely
Roll into Tablespoon sized ball and roll in powdered sugar.
place on cookie sheet 2 inches apart and flatten slightly
bake for 25 minutes until bottoms start to brown